Symptoms Of Menopause That Might Surprise You

Most women experience sudden weight gain, hair loss, body odor, emotional weakness, and some more physical and emotional symptoms between the ages of 39 to 55. The reason for experiencing these sudden physical and emotional changes is menopause. It is a natural phase that indicates the end of the menstrual cycle. For many women marking the end of childbearing years can be bittersweet and painful for others. Menopause hits all women differently, so it’s hard to say how rare or common its effects are. The hormonal changes occur at this age because menopause causes many symptoms and affects the women's bodies differently. Generally, women face hair loss, sudden weight gain, and anxieties with growing age. But not many of them know that these can be the after-effects of menopause. These menopausal hormonal changes might surprise you with the symptoms it shows. Let us go through and dig up more about the rare symptoms of menopause: Weight Gain: Perimenopause sudden weight gai...